Risk Approach & Mandates

Safeguard and increase of assets through the Mount-Invest SA investment approaches


Investment goal is capital protection. Stable growth and/or a high level of income, and access to the investments within three years.

This strategy looks for higher returns than those available from short-term time deposits while assuming an increase in risk.


Investment goal is capital growth. Tolerance of some fluctuations in the value of the portfolio in anticipation of a higher return. Prepared to invest for four years or more, income not required.

Designed for investors willing to accept an increase in risk potential losses in order to achieve capital growth.


Investment goal is long-term capital growth. Tolerance to substantial fluctuations in the value of the portfolio in anticipation of a higher possible return over a period of 8 years or more.

Designed for risk oriented investors.


Available for investment ranges not specified or included in the other Investment Strategy Mandates. Target: achieve positive performance in the portfolio every year, independent of the market conditions.

Focus on stable and absolute returns with no restrictions.


Mount-Invest SA


Advice and recommendations provided by a dedicated advisory specialist: Mount-Invest SA

Client takes final investment decisions

Advisory Portfolios / Consulting


Delegation of management decisions and Portfolio Investment policy to Mount-Invest SA specialists

Delegation of investment decision making power (risk profiles defined)

Managed Portfolios


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